Safety 24/7 The Book and the Audiobook

English is standard. Other languages available,
as follows:
• Spanish • French • Portuguese
• German • Arabic • Chinese
• Swedish • Japanese
Please note, for the first time in 16 years it is necessary for us to increase prices for both the book as well as shipping & handling. We sincerely appreciate your continued support of the book.
Pricing Information
• 1-30 copies: $16.50
• 31-100 copies: $15.50
• 101+ copies: $14.50
Pricing for the audiobook (English only) is the same as pricing for the paper book.
The audiobook is a two-CD set and will be mailed.
The Safety Toolbox

The Safety Toolbox is designed to help people understand the value of creating an incident-free workplace. By challenging attitudes that lead to at-risk behaviors; it is designed to help your company reduce overall incidents rates and, more importantly, save lives.
The Safety Toolbox is divided into sections aligned with each chapter of Safety 24 /7. These sections reinforce Safety 24/7 concepts and principles by using ‘real work’ examples, enabling team members to implement those principles on the job. The Safety Toolbox can be used to lead safety meetings, study groups, or any other environment where it’s important to take Safety 24/7 to the next level of understanding.

Purchase includes: One (1) 11″ x 8 1/2″ spiral-bound and laminated Discussion Leader’s Guide (sample attached); Ten (10) 5″ x 3″ Pocket Guides for participants to write-in, but small enough to carry in their pocket for on-the-job reference; One (1) 17″ x 11″ Poster, illustrating three key principles from the book.
Your investment for all of the items specified above is US $125 per set.

Sold Separately:
Leader’s Guide $100
Pocket Guide $5
Poster $15
Shipping and Handling Information (book and audiobook shipping prices are the same)
- Shipping and Handling charges apply.
- Sales Tax 10.74% (WA only)
- Single point delivery.
- ‘Handling Charge’ fee only, w/use of company shipping account.
- International Quoted on Individual Order Basis – See Contact Details Below
Shipping & Handling Charges Domestic U.S. (AK, HI add’l)
- Up to $50: $7
- $51-170: $16
- $171-$685: $30
- $686-$1165: $50
- $1166-$2999: $80
- $3000+: $150
For your convenience, you can order Safety 24/7 two ways:
- Mail orders to: RGA Holdings, LLC, PO Box 99823, Seattle, WA 98139-0823, USA
- Place your order via the form on this page. Please note that this form WILL NOT request specific payment information. You will be contacted via telephone or Email to provide payment information in a secure fashion.
A PDF form is available. Please print, sign and send the form to us.
If you have any questions, please call us at 832.654.9099. Thank you.